Be Above Average: Teaching Introductory Statistics for Deeper Understanding
Session Description
Are you looking for ways to teach statistical inference so that students have more than a trivial understanding of the content ? This presentation will introduce how a conceptual approach to teaching statistics through modeling and simulation can deepen students’ understanding and enable them to investigate more complex phenomena.
Introduction & Course Background
- CATALST Curriculum
Statistical Thinking: A Simulation Approach to Modeling Uncertainty — Course textbook
Lab Manual v.4.4 — This includes the activities that the students work on during the class.
TinkerPlots Data Sets — ZIP file of the data sets used in the activities.
- CATALST Curriculum
Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation
One-Sample Test: Monday Breakups
Two-Sample Test: Memorization
- Physical Simulation
- Google Sheets
- TinkerPlots Demo
- College in the Schools — Learn more about UMN’s College in the Schools program and appply to teach in our cohort!
Other Resources
TinkerPlots Website — Downlad and buy a license for TinkerPlots. The cost is about $11 for a year-long license.