LASER Publications & Presentations

\(^\dagger\) denotes student author


Demirci, S., Dogucu, M., Zieffler, A., & Rosenberg, J. (2023). Learning difficulties of introductory data science students. In E. Jones (Ed.), Fostering learning of statistics and data science: Proceedings of the IASE Satellite Conference.

Horton, N. J., Baumer, Benjamin S., Zieffler, A., & Barr, V. (2021). The Data Science Corps Wrangle-Analyze-Visualize program: Building data acumen for undergraduate students. Harvard Data Science Review, 3(1).

Legacy, C., Le, L., Zieffler, A., Fry, & Vivas Corrales, P.\(^\dagger\) (2024) The teaching of introductory statistics: Results of a national survey. Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education,

Legacy, C.\(^\dagger\), Zieffler, A., Baumer, B. S., Barr, V., & Horton, N. J. (2023). Facilitating team-based data science: Lessons learned from the DSC-WAV project. Foundations of Data Science, 5(2), 244–265.

Legacy, C.\(^\dagger\), Zieffler, A., Fry, E., & Le, L. (2022). COMPUTES: An instrument to measure introductory statistics instructors’ emphasis on computational practices. Statistics Education Research Journal, 21(1).

Legacy, C., Zieffler, A., Rao, V., & delMas, R. (2025). Vampires And star-crossed lovers: Secondary teachers’ reasoning about the connections between multivariate Ddata And visualization. Statistics Education Research Journal, 24(1), 4-4.

Rao, V. N. V.\(^\dagger\), Legacy, C., Zieffler, A., & delMas, R. (2023). Designing a sequence of activities to build reasoning about data and visualization. Teaching Statistics, 45(S1), S80–S92.

Sabbag, A., Zieffler, A., & Ng, C. (2025). Can we distinguish statistical literacy and statistical reasoning?. Statistics Education Research Journal, 24(1), 2-2.

Zieffler, A. (2024). Zhuzhing up your syllabus. Statistics Teaching and Learning Corner. <https://stattlc. com/2024/09/06/zhuzhing-up-your-syllabus/>

Zieffler, A., Justice, N., delMas, R., & Huberty, M.\(^\dagger\) (2021). The use of algorithmic models to develop secondary teachers’ understanding of the statistical modeling process. Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 29(1), 131–147.


Baumer, B. S., Horton, N. J., Zieffler, A., & Legacy, C.\(^\dagger\) (2021, June). Facilitating team-based data science: Lessons learned from the DSC-WAV project. Presentation at the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, Online.

Beckman, M., Cetinkaya-Rundel, M., Dogucu, M., Dragich, E.\(^\dagger\), Legacy, C., Tackett, M., & Zieffler, A. (2022, August). Piloting a new assessment tool for data science education researchers. Poster presented at the 18th ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER ’22), Lugano, Switzerland. ACM, New York, NY, USA.

Brondos Fry, E., Legacy, C. , Zieffler, A., & Le, L. (2020, October). The state of computing in introductory statistics. Poster presented at Women in Statistics & Data Science Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.

Dragich, E.\(^\dagger\), Beckman, M., Çetinkaya-Rundel, M., Dogucu, M., Legacy, C., Tackett, M., & Zieffler, A. (2023, June). Creating a standardized assessment to measure learning in introductory data science courses. Poster presented at the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA.

Dragich, E.\(^\dagger\), Beckman, M., Çetinkaya-Rundel, M., Dogucu, M., Legacy, C., Tackett, M., & Zieffler, A. (2023, June). Creating a standardized assessment to measure learning in introductory data science courses. Poster presented at the Research Satellite of the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA.

Horton, N., Garcia, R., & Legacy, C. (2023, June). Facilitating team-based data science: agile and scrum for undergraduates [Workshop]. United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA.

Justice, N., Zieffler, A., delMas, R., & Huberty, M.\(^\dagger\) (2021, April). Exploring new possibilities for teaching and learning statistical modeling: An algorithmic approach. Invited presentation at Appalachian State University, Department of Mathematical Sciences.

Justice, N., Zieffler, A., delMas, R., & Huberty, M.\(^\dagger\) (2021, February). Scouting new trails: An algorithmic approach to teaching and learning statistical modeling. Presentation at Pacific Lutheran University.

Le, L., Hayat, M., Green, J., Kaplan, J., Peters, S., & Zieffler, A. (2023, June). Demystifying the publishing process for statistics education journals. Presentation at the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA.

Legacy, C.\(^\dagger\), Rao, V. N. V.\(^\dagger\), Zieffler, A., & delMas, R. C. (2022, January). Data to graphs and back: Secondary teachers’ reasoning about the aesthetic mappings that link data and visualizations. Presentation at the 12th Statistical Reasoning, Thinking and Literacy (SRTL-12) Research Forum, Online.

Legacy, C.\(^\dagger\), Zieffler, A., Fry, E., & Le, L. (2021, August). COMPUTES: Evaluating the state of computing in introductory statistics. Poster presented at the 12th Annual Satellite Conference of the International Association for Statistical Education, Online.

Legacy, C.\(^\dagger\), Zieffler, A., Fry, E., & Le, L. (2021, June). The state of computing in introductory statistics. Poster presented at the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, Online.

Legacy, C.\(^\dagger\), Zieffler, A., Fry, E., & Le, L. (2020, February). The state of computing in introductory statistics. Poster presented at Graduate Student Research Day, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

Lisinker, R.\(^\dagger\), Zieffler, A., & Legacy, C. (2023, November). Lessons in Code Review. Presentation at StatChat: An informal but informative get-together of local statistics educators in the Twin-Cities, St. Paul, MN, United States.

Lisinker, R.\(^\dagger\), Zieffler, A., & Legacy, C. (2023, June). Talking in code: Code review as a form of communication. Invited lightning talk presented at the Research Satellite of the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA.

Lisinker, R.\(^\dagger\), Zieffler, A., & Legacy, C. (2023, June). Talking in code: Code review as a form of communication. Poster presented at the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA.

Lisinker, R.\(^\dagger\), Zieffler, A., & Legacy, C. (2023, June). Talking in code: Code review as a form of communication. Poster presented at the Research Satellite of the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA.

Lisinker, R.\(^\dagger\), Zieffler, A., & Legacy, C. (2023, June). Talking in code: Code review as a form of communication. Poster presented at the 13th Annual Satellite Conference of the International Association for Statistical Education, Toronto, Canada.

McNamara, A., Beckman, M., Legacy, C.\(^\dagger\), Zieffler, A., delMas, R. C., & Rao, V. N. V.\(^\dagger\) (2021, August). Integrating computation in statistics: Instructional decisions for Teaching R. Speed presentation at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Seattle, Washington.

McNamara, A., Legacy, C.\(^\dagger\), Rao, V.\(^\dagger\), Butler, E. B.\(^\dagger\), delMas, R., Zieffler, A., & Beckman, M. (2021, June). Computing in the statistics curriculum: Lessons learned from the educational sciences. Poster presented at the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, Online.

Rao, V. N. V.\(^\dagger\), Legacy, C.\(^\dagger\), Brown, J. M.\(^\dagger\), Zieffler, A., & delMas, R. (2021, August). Data-to-graphs and back: Secondary teachers’ reasoning about aesthetic mappings in data visualization. Poster presented at the 12th Annual Satellite Conference of the International Association for Statistical Education, Online.

Rao, V.\(^\dagger\), Legacy, C.\(^\dagger\), & Zieffler, A. (2021, June). Students’ perspectives on entering a data science career after experiential learning with local community organizations. Poster presented at the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, Online.

Rowell, G., Kuiper, S., Sturdivant, R., & Zieffler, A. (2021, August). Can students learn statistics while playing games? A regression example. Presentation at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Seattle, WA.

Vivas Corrales, P.\(^\dagger\), Legacy, C., Le, L., Zieffler, A., & Fry, E. (2023, June). Statistics Teaching Inventory: Exploring the alignment of introductory statistics instructors’ teaching and assessment practices to professional recommendations. Poster presented at the Research Satellite of the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA.

Zieffler, A., Justice, N., delMas, R., & Huberty, M.\(^\dagger\) (2021, April). The use of algorithmic models to develop secondary teachers’ understanding of the statistical modeling process. Invited presentation for the CAUSE webinar series.

Zieffler, A., Park, J., Garfield, J., delMas, R., & Bjornsdottir, A. (2012). The Statistics Teaching Inventory: A survey on statistics teachers’ classroom practices and beliefs. Journal of Statistics Education, 20(1), 1–29.